Thursday, March 28, 2013
1:59 PM |
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Oh my, oh my, oh my....where has the time gone? So much has happened since I wrote last...I actually have been keeping my Facebook page pretty up to date, but I sorely have been lacking in the blogging department...somedays it is eat and sleep or where to begin?
I will give you the bullet points and then as I can, I will embellish...
1) We moved! We are now in the best retail spot in Old Town Clovis, CA! right on the corner of 5th and Pollasky. Come visit.
2) We are the area Stockists for Chalk Paint® Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan - awesome, awesome wonderfulness - paint anything - seriously!! I might have mentioned that before, but just in case I didn't....we continue to be thrilled and excited beyond our expectations about this wonderful company and product!
a) should mention that Annie Sloan is NOT just about paint either...we are expecting her latest book in the shop tomorrow - so gets yours quick! And Annie Sloan fabric - yes, we have that as well! Annie is about changing your home to make it uniquely yours!
3) We are the area retailers for Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint....chippy goodness in every container! Working on some new projects to put out at the shop! Great fresh colors and tons of fun - you just don't really know what to expect!
4) We are showcasing new artists in the area - artisans who have wonderful varied talents, and not to be found elsewhere around in this area! I love unusual, and unique, and quality! I will blog about them as we go along.
When you walk into our shop, our goal is to inspire you to create, give you the tools to do so to include products, embellishment products and workshops to teach you and give you that little extra push you might need to get going.
Come and visit soon! - and now to this morning's quick little project.
I ordered a pair of lavender lace Toms through the mail. When I got them, they were the wrong shade of purple...what to do? Paint them! Paint them you say? Why, yes, using Chalk Paint® Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan....I did say you could paint anything, and this not being the first time I have painted my Tom's I took the paint brush to them. In about 10 minutes - Presto! Change-O! The perfect shade of I have a new pair of Toms I can wear. Will it last you say? Yes! I have another painted pair of Toms at home and I have washed them in the washing machine over 8 times - still as good as new...well, one toe area is a little threadbare but the paint is stuck like glue!
So drum please!
Before - nice, but not the right shade
After - just the right shade and I will be sporting these at the Annie Sloan Conference in New Orleans next week! Woohoo!
How much paint? About a teaspoon full! How long did it take? About 10 minutes! Now go look in your closet and see what old shoes you can give new life to!
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Easy, Peasy Pumpkin Painting!
11:47 PM |
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Want a fun, easy project for your fall decor? Take a faux pumpkin found at Michael's, add some Chalk Paint ™ decorative paint by Annie Sloan, some Annie Sloan Craqueleur and a bit of bling with some gilding wax, and presto have a wonderful pumpkin or two or three to add to your tablescape. Try this on Dollar Store gourds as well.....a beautiful addition to add this fall!
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
A first time user's experience with Chalk Paint™
6:33 AM |
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Here is a wonderful blog post about a first time user's experience with Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan...Yes, it is that easy!!
Thursday, June 7, 2012
Chalk Paint™ Decorative Paint by Annie Sloan - painted fabric and oak
11:53 AM |
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Before and after of a cute little old rocker with some ugly, ugly fabric! Painted this up at a recent Antique Show, INCLUDING the fabric, using Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan. I didn't want to spend the $$ to reupholster, so slapped some paint on her, taped and painted the stripes as well! Now she has an updated, fresh new look and sits proudly in our bridal dressing room at 3 Oaks Vineyard! See what a couple of hours can do for an outdated piece of furniture!!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
7:25 AM |
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Come on out Sunday and spend a day in downtown Clovis at the very first Glorious Junk Days event! We will be there right next to Flea Market Divas with CHALK PAINT™ decorative paint and Shabby Cowgirl will be on the other side! What better company could you ask for? I will be doing paint demonstrations all day long from 8-4, answering questions and yes, selling as well! Come out and see us - it's gonna be a beautiful day!!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
6:17 PM |
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Three tables - start to finish in one afternoon...not even one full afternoon! Chalk Paint™ Brand decorative finishes by Annie Sloan™!! They are off to Goat Hill Fair tomorrow along with loads of paint, samples, and who knows what else I will find?
The one table with CHALK PAINT™ on it was left unwaxed on top to be used as a message table
The other tables were painted, scraped, waxed, distressed, dry brushed, stencilled, and whatever else I could think of! Love the versatility of CHALK PAINT™, only by Annie Sloan™!
The one table with CHALK PAINT™ on it was left unwaxed on top to be used as a message table
The other tables were painted, scraped, waxed, distressed, dry brushed, stencilled, and whatever else I could think of! Love the versatility of CHALK PAINT™, only by Annie Sloan™!
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Silver Pennies: My Amazing Day with Annie Sloan
8:31 PM |
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Silver Pennies: My Amazing Day with Annie Sloan: Meeting Annie Sloan! In life it is very rare to meet someone famous that you really look up to. An idol if you will. If you do meet tha...
New Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™ brushes are on their way!! |
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- Vicki Shoemaker
- Clovis, CA, United States
- Decorative paint educator and owner of Old Town Clovis newest DIY shop - repurpose - quality handmade - repainted furniture and so much more - located on the corner of Pollasky and 5th in Old Town Clovis, CA I have loved repainting furniture and repurposing since I can remember, I was a painting contractor for over 15 years and now I love to teach others how to enhance their world with paint, color and design.
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